
Since 2019, 25 secondary school and high school students from Bogdănești and Grivița villages, located in the proximity of the town of Bârlad have been the beneficiaries of the Future Acceleration Program – our educational intervention through which the children benefit from assistance in various school subjects such as Romanian, English and Mathematics, as well as monthly scholarships and recurrent school supplies and clothing. The purpose of this action is to reduce the pressure that exists on their families, that often prevents the parents from keeping their children in school. 

Because the villages where these families live are at least 10 km away from Bârlad, the parents find it difficult to keep a constant job: commuting and the 8-hour work schedule are incompatible with their responsibilities as parents. Other families face even more complicated issues, with absent parents who either went to work abroad or who abandoned their children. Having to cope with such challenges at home, it becomes rather difficult for children to stay focused on school and onlu very few still hope for a better future. 

The program helps these children find their courage, says Mihaela Zanoschi, executive director of Bună ziua, copii din România Association, our strategic partner in Vaslui county. “One must know how to use he / she gained, must dare to dream, to see that the situation you are in must not be a barrier to become the person you dream to become in the society. This is a process and we are not used to encouraging children, particularly when everything seems to go against them – their economic situation, the geography of the place where they come from”.

the children

D. is 14 years old and lives in a two-rooms house in Bogdănești village, with his 9-year-old sister and their parents. His hobbies are playing football on the street, riding the bike and wood...
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the school

“The economic state of our village is rather precarious, many families live out of allowances or welfare”, says Anda Maria Negrea, principal of “Horia Stamatin” school in Bogdănești...
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Strategic partner: Bună ziua, Copii din România Association

Mihaela Zanoschi founded the Bună ziua, copii din România (BZRO) Association in Bârlad in 1999, with a group of Dutch volunteers who came here to help the children from institutionalized care....
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